Saturday, December 22, 2012


The way I understand prayer to work is simply trusting the God we believe in. Once we learn what to ask for and verbalize it, over and over, everyday, with faith believing, God will hear us and answer our prayers. The key is faith. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command,,,,,,,," (Hebrews 11:1-3)  God spoke everything into being and I believe He has also given us the same power, maybe not in such a "God"  kind of way but in a way that we can communicate to God  our requests and desires by the spoken and written word.
He wants us to Love Him the way children love there parents. For the most part children are totally dependent on their parents for thier every need. God wants us to depend on Him knowing, without a doubt He will supply all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus,  and that without Him we would cease to exist.
What we ask God for in prayer should be the things that are found in His kingdom. There is no money in The Kingdom of God so we will not ask for money. What we do is thank Him, already, for the 'prosperity' and 'abundance' he has given us and we keep thanking Him until He makes it happen. Prosperity and abundance are things found in God's kingdom because we know that there is no poverty in heaven, neither is there lack of any kind.
Thank God already for being your Healer. Thank Him that you are healthy and not ill in any way because there is no sickness in His kingdom. Speak it, and mean it, "approach His throne boldly" accordind to His Word. He wants us happy, healthy and joyful, strong and vibrant, and He knows what it takes to see us have these things. "If your child asks you for a fish would you, his father, hand him a serpent?"  OK, how much more would our 'heavenly' Father desire that His kids be 'happy' and 'joyful' in this life. Would'nt that be a demonstration of how God's Kingdom works on 'earth' as it does in 'heaven'?
These little secrets about how prayer works will enhance your prayer life. Oh, don't forget about 2 or more comming into agreement on anything that they ask for according to His will and it will be done for them......Does this work? Absolutely. Ever tried it? It may not happen that very second or minute or even that hour but eventually what you ask for in prayer will happen. At least that's been my experience. Again, we must first believe in our hearts and trust that, "He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him."

If you can agree with any of these prayers, then simply pray them outloud as you read them and see what happens. Thank you for agreeing with some of my prayers. God has already answered most of them but that wont stop me from praying for more blessings so I will have that much more to give and to share.
Peace, joy, love, divine health, prosperity, abundance, divine creativity, fulfillment, and freedom. Pray for these things. These are found in His Kingdom, which is also our Kingdom, because some day we will dwell there with Him forever, according to His Word. Make it so........  Shalom-- Lance

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