Saturday, March 31, 2012


The universality of Islam does not recognize nationalities or other loyalties, but demands a muslim's full allegiance. For this reason muslims all over the world consider the wars in Afganistan and Iraq as "crusades" against Islam; Muslims in Pakistan protest against irreverent cartoons published in Denmark; and the pledge by one Florida pastor and his congregation to burn the koran is met with violence.

Moreover, Islam divides the world into two territories: dar al-Islam, the territory of Islam, and dar al-harb the territory of war. The dar al-Islam consists of all territories under muslim rule, inhabited by true believers and their communties, while dar al-harb includes all other states and communities not under muslim rule. These two territories will be in constant conflict until Islam conquers the whole world.

Because Islam grew out of the belief in complete world domination, every muslim is obligated to labor in his own way in achieving that goal, no matter where he lives or what sovereign claims his allegiance.

(Exerps taken from the American Center For Law and Justice publication 'Shari'ah Law: Radical Islam's Threat to the U.S. Constitution) 

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