Thursday, March 1, 2012


I thought I'd make known the people that have made the biggest impact on my spiritual growth in the last 20 years. Of course, first and foremost is Jesus of Nazzereth and the Holy Spirit who draws me near. But the people who teach and preach God's Word in a way I can understand.
Here they are , my favorite teachers:

Joyce Myers
Creflo Dollar
John Hagee
Jonathan Burnis
Andrew Womack
Mike Murdock
Joel Osteen
Hilton Sutton
Sid Roth
Joseph Prince
Perry Stone
Pat Robertson
Irvin Baxter

These are the people I learn from, among others. They are tested and true sources of Bible wisdom and prophetic teachings. These people have been on the scene long enough to weed them out if they were false teachers or prophets. I trust these people are telling us the truth and have the Word of God as their source. I urge you to let them guide you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to the accurate knowledge of the true gospel message.

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