Friday, April 6, 2012


"In you our Fathers put their trust; they trusted  and you delivered them. They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed. But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by men and despised by the people."
Psalm 22:4-6

The Passover is one of the most holy  days for Christians and Jews. It reminds us that God delivered the Jewish people from slavery in Eygpt. The last of the ten plagues God brought on the Egyptians where all first born of every animal and human died, however God gave the Israelites special instructions to save their first born from death. By putting the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the door post of their homes the death Angel 'passed over' the homes of all the Jewish people and then, finally Pharoh gave the order to 'Let his people go' and Moses led over two million men, women, and children out of Eygpt, along with much wealth, silver, gold, garments, food, flocks of sheep, goats, cattle. This is similar to what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross in that His blood has set us free from sin and condemnation. In effect, His blood was the perfect sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. All who receive the free gift of God are promised eternal life with Him in heaven. I believe this day is the most significant because without that 'perfect precious blood of Jesus' none of us would be saved.
On this day, 2000 years ago, Jesus paid the price that only He could pay because He was the only perfect human on earth, God's own blood flowed through his veins, because He had no human Father, His blood was not contaminated by sin there by He was the "Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world". Now, 3 days later, on the first day of the week, God raised Him from the dead and He defeated death, hell, and the grave and put Satan, our enemy, in his place. Praise God!!! This is the 'GOSPEL'!
The good news!! The good news is, we win! All who receive this free gift of God have been bought, redeemed, paid for by the precious blood of Jesus, Yeshua, our Lord and Savior!

Thank You Lord Jesus, for what you did for me on the cross. Thank you for taking my punisment for all my sin. Help me to serve you now in this life and look forward to serving you for eternity in the next life. If we must serve somthing or some one I choose You Lord Jesus. Thank You Lord, Thank You. Amein!
Happy Passover!!!      

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