Monday, April 9, 2012


The blood of bulls and goats could'nt do it, even the blood of a human virgin born of man and woman could'nt do it. The only blood that could atone for, and pay for, the sin of the whole world, past, present, and future sin is the pure blood of The Lord Jesus, born of the Spirit of God and woman. This is why Jesus had to be the one, the only one, who could accomplish the will of the Father,(Yahweh) that the world might be saved through Him. By His blood, and the grace of God Almighty we are saved, not by the works of men, so that no one can boast. Just receive the sacrifice of Jesus and claim Him for your Lord and Savior.  He desires all people everywhere to call on His name and be saved. Praise God Almighty, in the name of the Lord Jesus! Thank You Lord, for shedding your precious blood for me, Thank You, Amein 

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