Monday, February 13, 2012


Think about it, God spoke the universe into existence with 'words'. Genesis 1:1-5 and verses 6,9,11,14,20,and 24 And He has given us a certain amount of that power as His children. It's called the Holy Spirit. The words we say tell alot about what's in our hearts. Just think , we have to give an account to God of every stupid thing we've ever said. I am so not looking forward to that day.
On the other hand, if we start now, useing our tongue wisely it might not be so bad. I have been alot more conscious of what I say lately because I found this stuff out. It's still not easy to control our tongues, it takes practice. But my point is, if we use God's Word more and say the Word out loud things start to change. I've been useing the fruits of the Spirit alot, when I'm alone I might say, love, joy, peace, kindness mildness  faithfulness, self control and patience.These are some of the good things found in the 'Kingdom.'  Or, 'Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world.' Or any scripture I can think of. I wrote a 'thank you' song to Jesus, called  'Thank Ya Lord Jesus'. If you want to check it out it's some where in my archives from last year. I think there is a video of it some where here.
So, I 'call things that arent yet as though they were' by thanking Jesus ahead of time and it seems to be working out good for me. All you can do is give it a chance to work for you too. May you have a blessed day.

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