Tuesday, February 28, 2012


God gave you something called "imagination" which means to image some thing in your mind, to see pictures of what you think about of things, that have not yet happened, or things you have not yet recieved.
Faith , and imaginationn combined, is the key to answered prayers. This is ancient wisdom in todays language. This is a secret, revealed, in a way an idiot should be hard pressed not to understand it.

It  is a no-brainer, follow Christ, despite your sinful nature because your Father in heaven loves you no matter what!! You are an awesome creation, "fearfully and wonderfully made" with power you may have no idea that you possess. Learn all you can about your Maker and He will make all your dreams come true, or, answer all your prayers that are in line with His Word.

Imagine, in your mind, the things that might be in God's Kingdom, and (think) on these things. Not only material things but especially spiritual things. Like; joy, peace of mind, love, freedom from lack, self-control, and patience. If we imagine these things, with faith, then God will make it happen!!
 I'm in the middle of realizing this first hand, thats why I'm shareing this with you, to be a blessing to you. It's the way I serve God, shareing what I learn from the Spirit.     

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