Thursday, March 28, 2013



Prayer is a mysterious and wonderful thing. It surpasses our understanding of phsyical law and tests our faith that there really is a God in heaven and that we do have a Creator that loves us and wants the best for us. God is a Spirit. That means we can't see Him or touch Him but we can feel His power at work in us by the Holy Spirit if we believe. That's the whole idea, to believe. Believe even in the  things unseen and have that 'child like faith' that Jesus talked about. Trust in Him, know in your heart that He is there and that He hears you when you come to Him by faith. Be persistant and come boldly to Him with your petitions and requests. Though it may seem that He is slow sometimes in answering us He only does what's in our best interests and I thank Him for that.
 Garth Brooks had a song out some years ago about how He thanked God for unanswered prayers because had God answered some of His prayers things would not have worked out for the best even though at the time it seemed right, but God knows what's best for His kids. So, that's why I pray for things like, peace of mind, exellent health, joy, love, freedom, happiness, and blessings on me so I can be a blessing to others. And I always thank Him before I actually see and feel my answers come to pass. And I expect to see these things made manifest in my life because His Word says we can have these things. So, trust Him, ask Him, believe Him and expect Him to act on your behalf. Our God is a loving, caring, generous and all powerful Creator of everything we see around us. All the gold and silver is His and He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He will give it to whom ever He pleases, so says His Word. So, keep on asking, keep on knocking and never give up! God is just waiting to do miracle for you too. Recieve it today!


"Yet to all who recieved Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God---children born not of natural decent, nor of human decision or a husbands will but born of God."  John 1:12-13


Father God Yahweh, Thank You for all my blessings. You are my Provider, my Protector, and my Healer. I thank You for my healthy body and mind and for peace, joy and happiness. Thank You for being my God and Father and for saving me and drawing me closer and closer to You. You are so awesome Lord God and I love You and I love Your Word that gives us wisdom and knowledge and power over the enemy who seeks to destroy us with all sorts of maladies. Thank you for abundance and prosperity in my life and blessings beyond my dreams so that I can be a blessing to others and bring glory and honor to Your name. In the name of Jesus, Yeshua, my Lord and Savior, according to Your Word, make it so.


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