Hi visitors and fellow believers, peace be with you.
I believe in prayer and what it can do. God has answered so many of my prayers I am convinced that I have His favor. For what ever reason, I dont have a clue. I just know I"m led to share my prayers. If anyone will believe with me in agreement then these things will eventually happen. For example; I prayed to be closer to my daughter and her mom. Long story short, they now share half my house. That would not have been possible just three years ago but it has come manifest in the last year. That one prayer, at the time I prayed it was crazy , it was just somthing I knew was impossible but I always prayed about it any way. God did it!!! Things just happened!!! God is so real and good! Even my property was an answer to a prayer. I simply prayed for a nice house with a pond and some woods. Within 5 years I ended up with a small cottage and two rental mobile homes on 23 acres, more than 1/2 woods, nice trees and a large in pond in front. I only wish Id gone into more detail when describing what I ask God for. I recomend when you pray with me add details and even write it down on paper and carry it around with you. Ive written prayers in a note book and just leave it layin around where I can see it. I just know in faith believeing God will give me what I ask for as long as it is some thing good and in His will.
Im excited about this blog because I know it will help some one get their prayers answered and their faith strengthened and maybe even lead to gettin some one saved!!! Wow! Glory to God!!! Praise His Name!!! These prayers Ive been shareing have come from my heart exept when I come across one that really got my attention. But most will be things I want to happen in my own life. I believe there are many people who want the same basic things I want but just dont know how to ask God for it. Or just need some one to come into agreement with. Ive learned that its important to find some one to be in agreement with you because it seems to make things happen sooner. Thats why I started this blog not only to help others but for me too. You can actually help my prayers to come true just by closein your eyes and agreeing with me in faith that God hears us and will bless us for having faith that He is "the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him."
Tell your friends to visit and pray with me also. The more the better!!! The stronger we"ll all be!! Thanks for bein here and cant wait to hear comments and prayers bein answered GOD BLESS ALL OF YA.
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