Monday, August 11, 2014


We, as Christian believers, must speak out against what we see going on in the Middle- East. I don't care what the left wing idiots say about Israel and the war in Gaza. These people are being  led by the hate that Islam perpetuates among its Koranic believers. It's all about the destruction of Israel and killing every man, woman, and child that has a hint of Jewish blood. Why! Why do they hate the Jews? Why do they hate them so bad they'd like to see man,women and children, beheaded and people buried alive, and rape and terror must be the fear of the day! Why is this the way it is? Why do Christians have to leave the homes they have known for centuries. Why now? It's because the forces of evil are rearing their ugly heads. Now they have the chance to do what the devil has always wanted to do; kill all who oppose him and he is using the religion of Islam to do it. 

The facts about this speak for them selves. The terror group ISIS, is now an organized, well equipped and formidable fighting machine that is guilty of unspeakable atrocities, far worse than Alcieda. They behead little kids for God's sake! They think they are a doing a service for God! Their god is no god! Their god is satan the  devil! he deserves nothing but total destruction! He rapes, he kills, he destroys! He uses the muslim people to carry out his hate. He has misled these people into thinking what they do is right. This religion is a tool of the anti-Christ to kill, steal, and destroy, first the Jews and then the Christians! Wake up you left wing sympathizers! if you think they will spare your heads because you speak up for their 'rights'. You are misled! These people will kill you and your family if you don't believe the way they do. Wake up! We must kill every one of these fanatical basturds as we can before they kill us!
The leadership in Iran has just announced that from now on there will be no birth-control and an increase in population is law..... What does that tell you?
More on this in the near future...............................................

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