Wednesday, September 3, 2014



Our Commander and Chief cannot be trusted to protect us from our enemies. That is obvious. He is totally out of touch with world issues, especially Islamist issues. There are way too many groups out there taking advantage of his foreign policies. Hamas, Alceada, Hezbollah, and now the most dangerous, ISIS. Obama apologizes to these guys for our past 'sins'. It doesn't matter how much we apologize to these people they are hell bent on our destruction as a people and a nation and they will not stop until we are destroyed. We must destroy these people before they destroy us! We must kill every one of them and wipe them and their ideology of the face of our planet. Make no mistake about it. It's us or them.....   


"Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men; protect me from men of violence, who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up war every day. They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent's; the poison of vipers is on their lips." Selah    Psalms 140:1-3


Father God, Yahweh, protect us from our enemies, Lord, in the name of Jesus I ask for resources to help protect my family from the coming destruction and from our enemies foreign and domestic who seek the destruction of our great nation and the freedoms we enjoy. The way of life that You have blessed us with. Destroy those people completely! These evil, murderous fanatics who do not know You, the True God, and who worship a false god who calls for the destruction of Your people, Israel and those who follow Your Son, Yeshua, Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Given a choice they choose death. They are the enemies of light and life. I pray You rid the earth of them if it be Your will.... In the name of Jesus, Yeshua, make it so....    

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