Sunday, February 17, 2013



Thank You Father God Yahweh, For Your divine favor and the courage to use it to do good and bring glory and honor to Your name.. Thank You for the joy and peace and freedom Your favor brings to me. I believe You sent Your Son, Yeshua, Jesus who first loved us, died for us, came back from the dead for us, and saved us from all our sin... I am saved! Thank You Father God, for all my blessings. Watch over my children and grand children, keep them safe and happy all the years of their lives until You come back again. Thank You. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they will prosper that love thee. In the name of Jesus, Make it so...Amein 

Saturday, February 16, 2013



Father God Yahweh, In Jesus name I pray for stronger faith in You...Help me to know that I know that I know what is right and true so I can share this with others and bring glory and honor to Your name. I do know and trust Your Word is true... Thank You Father God , for Your Word. Help me to have divine courage and creativity and help me to realize all You have planned for me in the future. I know Your plan is good and that You are good all the time. Help me to be a blessing to my friends and family, in Jesus' name I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Amein, (Make it so.)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013



God will pay back trouble to those who trouble His chosen ones. It is written in Pauls 2nd letter to the Thessalonians....
"God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels."  1 Thessalonians 1:6-7
I would not want to be one of those 'troubling' people who cause trouble for Gods people...I see God's anger and wrath poured out on the radical Muslims who are constantly cursing and condemning and trying to kill Jews and Christians. Islam is a religion of death and destruction and hatred toward anyone who does not worship their false God. It's so obvious to me, radical Islam wants world domination, by fear and intimidation and murder. It's going on all over the world. In Africa, in the Middle East, and even in the United States of America. Muslim parents are killing their own children simply because they convert to Christianity and they call it 'Mercy Killing'. This is what Sharia' law teaches from the Koran. God will deal with you, you hate mongers and murderers. You who take innocent life and bow down to the false God Allah. I pray for you now and on that day, that you see the error of your ways and repent! Come to the true God for forgiveness of these sins against innocent men, women, and children. Renounce your false God and worship the true God, Yahwweh. 'Confess your sins and He is faithfull and just to forgive your sins', for He desires all of us to be saved and have everlasting life in His glorious Kingdom. This is the "Good News" or Gospel message that people have died for...Jesus Is Lord!!!  We love you even though you hate us to death, we love you to life.
Study and learn the truth for yourselves if you wont believe us who tell you the truth. "God is not a man that He should lie." Islam is a religion of Satan the devil, our accuser and adversary. He has been defeated and knows he has a short time left to mislead the entire inhabited earth with his lies. He is the father of lies and he comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. Our God is a God of love for He gave his only son that who so ever believes in Him might have everlasting life. What does Allah offer you? 72 virgins if you die for Him? That's a lie. Christ died for us, as a sacrifice for our sin, so that we will live with Him in heaven forever...


Father God Yahweh, In the name of Jesus help all the radical Islamists see the error of their ways and turn to you for the forgiveness of their sins. Let them turn from their false God and worship You the only "true" God and let them feel Your love and goodness. Let them know the peace that surpasses all understanding and be forgiven and saved from their sin. "Where sin abounds, how much more does Your Grace."
Thank You for being my God and Father and for saving me despite my sinful nature. Help me to bring glory and honor to Your name and I "pray for the peace of Jerusalem according to Your Word, in the name Of Jesus, Yeshua, our Lord and King, Amein, make it so.     

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Religion teaches us that in order to have peace with God we need to stop all of our bad habits and wrong thoughts. Is that really possible for us in the flesh? I struggle with the idea that we must try to please God first by our works to make us righteous. I have come to believe that this idea is what holds many of us back from wanting to know God, know Jesus, know the Word. We, as fleshly creatures would rather not be accountable for our deeds and actions and not be under judgement from a 'God' for anything.  So, many of us are taught in schools that God does'nt exist. Seems convenient enough, just choose not to believe and everyone that does is either crazy or misled by fanatical 'preachers', brainwashed into believing in some thing or 'SomeOne' who does'nt exist.

We as a nation are turning away from God at a rapid pace. The words "Under God" have been deleted from our pledge of allegience, Christ has been removed from Christmas and it' no longer a "christmas tree" it's a 'holiday' tree. We are accepting "Godless" ideaologies as truth and embraseing humanistic practices above our instructions from our Creator because we deny Him, and His Word to us, The Bible.

When God was a part of our society we as a nation thrived and had a good influence around the world. When we elected 'God fearing' men to our public service positions it reflected that in our moral attitudes and what was 'normal' and acceptable behavior. Our moral decay started in the 60s and has been going down hill fast ever since. With Rowe vs Way,(legalized murder of innocent babies) we started our downward spiral into the pit of Godless decay and depravity. When we started teaching our children that God is dead and embrassing evolution as our national doctrine we began to reject all of God's blessings on us as a nation and a people. Why do we continue to trust in man rather than trust in God when we can plainly see the ramifications of rejecting God?

I believe that all of these things are suppose to happen according to Bible prophesy and we can see it all happening before our eyes. But we don't have to follow the world in all this. We can change and let God back in if it's not too late. Even if it may be too late for our nation to get right with God, it will never be too late for us as individuals to trust, and get right with God. How do we do it?
First, forget what religion teaches and go to The Word for instructions. Here's what the apostle Paul told the Colossians:
 "When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers of authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."  Colossians 2:13-15 

Now it seeems to me that because of the fact that Almighty God has forgiven us for our sinful nature and has released us from the law we were bound to for so long, and has given us a new way of thinking in Christ Jesus, namely, trusting Him, recieving Him, and pursuing him with prayer and The Word. Asking Him into our lives and accepting His mercy and grace, letting Him change us from the inside out and not by our own power but His....This is how we please God and make ourselves acceptable to Him. When we sin, and we will sin, we need to follow His instructions as written in the "New Covenant" We need to "Confess our sins and He is faithfull and just to forgive us our sins."

In a nut shell, here is how I understand what God is saying; To get right with Him and be saved from ourselves the most important thing we need to do is simply, first, to acknowledge that Jesus is God's Son, whom He sacrificed on our behalf for the forgiveness of all our sin, past, present, and future. To believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, accept and recieve His mercy and grace which is unmerited, undeserved kindness, and allow Him into our hearts and minds and let Him change us from the inside out by the power of the Holy Spirit. We renew our minds with His Word and we follow His teachings as best we can according to our level of spiritual maturity. Some of us will grow faster than others so the idea is to get started as soon as we can and we will see our lives transformed by the power of the Living God, through Christ Jesus who strengthens us with the Holy Spirit. This is a personal relationship with Him.

So, all the things we do that hold us back from seeking the face of God is merely a ploy by the 'enemy' the Devil to distract us from ever comming to Him, and even denying His existance. What I'm saying is this; don't let your sin hold you back from beginning a relationship with Jesus and the Gospel. Do not be ashamed of the Gospel, (Good News) for it is the way of salvation for all who recieve it... Sin will take care of itself. Just recieve Him, read His Word, trust Him and follow what He says as best you can and you will grow in Him and be made righteous by His blood. Your mind and life will have no choice but to be transformed and you will have all that you desire....Are these the things you pray for; love, joy, and peace of mind and home? Health and happiness, freedom from lack and poverty, better relations with people and with God? Pray for these things and all the other things found in His kingdom and it will happen. How long will it take? That's entirely up to you . Start NOW!


Father God Yahwew, Thank You for Your Word that has the power to transform our lives and make us better people, happier and more joyfull people. That's what most of us really want. We need to know You and Your Son. Thank You for giving us Your mind through the power of Your Word and the person of the Holy Spirit who guides us and directs our steps when we allow Him in our hearts. I trust You Father God and I know You love me and have made a way for me to be saved and have good and meaningful life despite all I've done in the past. I confess all my sin now and I know that according to your Word, that You are faithful and just to forgive all my sin and that despite my sinful nature I am made righteous by the shed blood of Jesus. Thank You Father God! You are Awesome! Help me to bring glory and honor to Your name. In the name of Jesus, Yeshua, our Lord and King, I "pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they will prosper that love thee."   Make it so. (Amein)